Tuesday 16 December 2014

Task two and three- Developing Editing Techniques

In camera editing

In-camera editing film the scenes in the order that it will be viewed, is basically means that you can only film a scene once so there isn't retakes, for that you will have to be very good when it comes to camera angles and  be aware of what film you are doing, and what type of shots you would like to do.
To make a film in camera editing  you have to turn on and off the camera when necessary, in this case in the right scene when its positioned into the right angle and place. You basically turn on the camera when filming a scene, then turn it back off move the camera to your desire, then turn it back on and so on.
George Melies was the first film-maker  to make use of in camera editing, he did that when he was filming the vanish lady, to make that film he had to turn off the camera so the lady could leave the stage without anyone seeing so people would think that she disappeared, then turn it back on when she wasn't there , and then do the same thing again for  her to come back.He did that because he was a magician, and he was planning in doing what he couldn't do in real life on the screen for everyone to see it, but he didn't succeed you can see that by reading my other post by clicking here.

Pros and Cons of In-Camera Editing

If you are Interested in trying In camera editing, I have to tell you that  its not as hard as it looks, but it also isn't easy, but when you learn it it can be a lot of fun.

Camera editing has a lot of cons like for example:
  • One of the con I experienced while filming was the difficulty of  communication, like for example when the camera operator wanted to communicate with the actors, it was hard because we couldn't do any verbal communication or harsh moments because that could have been recorded into the film, or damage the camera.This was a con because without communicating the actors weren't enabled to know when they have to start acting or when to stop.
  • The other con is Time Consuming I choose this because, to do in camera editing you would have to be a very organized person and if you know that you are not one  i can say that  it will be very difficult for you. I believe that it is time consuming because even before you start recording, you have to prepare everything or in your head or down on paper in order to film it , but when i say everything i say step by step because you have to film the scenes the way they are going to be viewed. Like for example if you are making a film about someone that left their house to buy something then came back home because they forgot their wallet then that person had to go back to the store, it can be kinda of time consuming because you have to film the way its going to be seen , so you would have to go to the store film there then come back home film again then run  back to the store and film again and  that can be kinda of annoying because if you could edit, cut and add stuff you could just film all scenes on a certain place then go to a different place and film there then just link and combine your scenes together.
  • Another con is that you can only shot once, even if you did something wrong the only thing you will be able to do is film it again, because you cant even go on the computer and cut the scene out. That can be kind of frustrating if you start recording when you shouldn't like for example start recording earlier or later then supposed to, then there will a awkward sounds and movements .

But it also has some Pros like :

  • Some  of the pros I experienced were that after filming the whole thing you wouldn't have to worry about editing because that job is already done, so you would spend no time editing.
  • The other good thing about in camera editing is that if you normally don't prepare everything and get everything organized this time you will have to do it, which means that the film will come out better because you would put more effort to it because you know you only got one chance to get it right.
  • The other pro is that by doing this you spend less time but also less  money, because if you don't have a software that edits or if your camera isn't the best therefore the memory is smaller, by doing in camera editing you would have to be cautious about your time so you would make sure you have space to record all at once.
  • This is also is very beneficial for producers that don't like to edit or just want to learn more about the angles of the camera, by doing that you are gaining experience.

I believe that editors moved on from in camera techniques because now  its easier and less stressful, while in camera editing can save you some time after filming because you wouldn't have to edit, it takes a large amount of time making the film and if you are  perfectionists that wouldn't be helpful because you wouldn't be able to improve your film with some special effects or music. Now that you can actually edit after everything is recorded you can now  record your scenes in different locations, no more worry's of having to move around every 5 minutes to record, like for example if you record in different cities you can record the scenes from there then go back to the original city and film there then link them together.

In Camera Evolution

The Shots that were used in this film were wide shots,close ups, over the shoulder shot and long shots. we were successful on the shots because we were able to use 4 different types of it, and they match the type of film we did, the part that I believed we succeed the most were the shots  the one I  believe we did the best was the close up at 0.19 - 0.23 , this empathised the scene because he was walking to meet his girlfriend while being relaxed because he had no clue of what was going to happen. In my opinion we could improve the way we communicated with one another, i say this because we weren't conscious that we could be heard so our film has background noises, this happened because it was difficult for the actors to know when to begin or when to stop,i believe that we could improve this next time by using non-verbal communication.


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