Monday 15 December 2014

Task Four – From Analogue to Digital Editing

What analogue film and editing is (splicing)

Analogue editing is the cutting together of pieces of celluoid, traditional films are made up images printed on to acetate negatives, these then are spliced together to make a reel of film, these are then feed through a projector at a constant speed of 24 frames a second which makes those pictures seem to be moving, this is called analogue.

Video editing

Way before all this advanced technology existed, we used to store information in little plastics rectangular things called video tapes, video editing is the process of editing pieces of these tapes using device that mechanically puts parts of video tape together. The film has to be edited in the correct order, this is called Video editing.

What linear editing is

Linear editing was the original video tape editing method, before non-linear editing computers became available in the 1990s. These days, many people consider linear editing to be obsolete. Although non-linear editing is the preferred method for most projects, linear editing still has a a video editing post-production process of selecting, arranging and modifying images and sound in a predetermined, ordered sequence

How digital editing works (Final Cut/ Avid/Premier Pro)

Digital editing is the manipulation of computers in order to operate digital data, there are different programs that you can use to edit like ( Adobe Premier, Avid or Final Cut Pro). Digital editing works by using bits and bytes(string of 1s and 0s) to record, transmit an reply images, instead of chemicals on film.The whole process is electronic so there is no printing or "splicing" involved.Digital Editing soon over video editing as it is much faster and therefore cheaper. The biggest advantage is that you can edit digitally in any particular order.

Non-linear editing

Editing a video in any order is called non-linear editing, you can edit in any sequence from the first scene then the last, or the last and then the first, the process uses electronic files so it makes it easier as cutting and pasting text in a word document. 

Analogue Editing


One of the pros is that it is taken seriously since the begging, this means that because they only have one chance to film it, because they cant edited the filmmaker would take more consideration because they know they only have one chance so they would be more responsible. Another Pro is that it would be safer to store, because it isn't stored in a computer it would be less likely for it to get lost,stolen or damaged, and because its not accessible for hackers, it cant be copied or stolen.


There s also some cons one of them is that because you only have on shoot to do it, if you do anything wrong you wont be able go back and redo it, because you cant edit which means the film you created may not be as successful as you desired. The other con is that because they didn't have CDS or VHS to carry the film around, it means that its was very hard to carry the roll with the scenes in it, it might also have been very expensive and heavy. The last one is communication this is  another con that can be found when talking about Analogue Editing, this is because because they cant edit it is very hard to communicate, because the actors wouldn't know when to start or stop because no one could say , action or stop, because the audience would be able to hear it in the film.

Digital Editing


One pro is that because you are able to edit it means that you can film in whatever order you want , another one is that you also get more than one chance to do it, this means that you can redo it  as many times as you desire to make it as good as you would like.


Theres also a few amounts of cons as for example some people may find hard to use digital editing, because not everyone knows how to use and understand how to use different s apps to edit, because not every app is the same and has the same features, another one comes along with app is that editing apps can be kind of expensive for someone that is new at editing. Another one is that because you know you are able to edit you might not put as much effort to it as if you would if you weren't able to edit. And lastly because Digital Editing relies mostly in technology which means you would never know if the application you are using is going to be efficient or that it might have what you desire, or you have no guaranty that the app is not going to do something to your film, lose it or make it possible for people to steal it.

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